Tuesday, April 26, 2011


One post before I try and get some sleep (which isn't likely... sleep hasn't come easily for me this week).

I have a mind, so I'm capable of thought. Since I'm capable of thought, I can form opinions, like all human beings. Just because your opinions may differ from mine, I won't treat you any differently unless you directly threaten me with your beliefs. I expect to be treated the same way, but unfortunately, if you have a mind, you're capable of rejecting new ideas and the people who carry them with insults. Please, don't be offended by anything I say. Just because I don't agree with something that's your whole world, doesn't mean I think less of you as a human being.

Tolerance. The whole world would be a better place if everyone had it.

What's the influence for this post? Humanity... just... humanity....

On a lighter note, Beltane is coming up, which means strawberries dipped in chocolate and may-gads (decorated wands) and flowers and warm weather (hopefully).

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