Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Bombs and Tarot Cards

I actually had an eventful school day today. There was a power outage during my seminar. It was awesome. I was working on my World History notes and then all the sudden, BAM, darkness. The girls I was hanging with before it happened were on the computers when it happened... they didn't look too happy.

We were put on soft lockdown 3rd block because of a bomb threat. They, literally, searched EVERYTHING. I was stuck in math when it happened. After the announcement about the bomb, and after my teacher searched the classroom, he whacked the board with his meter stick and said "okay kids, math is da bomb in here, alright?" We were all cracking up. There were cops everywhere too. And our principal sounded like he wanted to kill someone.

We had a pre-WW1 simulation in World History that was rather entertaining. We were all put in fictional versions of European countries and had to make certain deals with each other without starting a war. By the end of the simulation, we were all killing each other. My country (Penland) was the fictional version of Germany. I was screwed.

Lastly, I'm on a roll with my tarot card readings. I remember when I started out with them, only about 60% of my readings were true, now I can say with confidence that over 80% turn out to be true. I gave some kids in my Art + Design class some readings, and one of them suggested I should start charging for a reading. Nah, good Wiccans don't ask for money for readings. Or so I was told. Apparently it violates either the Rede or the Oradin Laws. I'm not sure about the Oradin Laws, since I haven't read them all, but I can sort of see how it fits into the Wiccan Rede and it's idea of the Threefold Law.

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